1. The Constitution of India was adopted on:
(a) 26th January 1950
(b) 15th August 1947
(c) 26th November 1949
(d) 2nd October 1950
✅ Answer: (c) 26th November 1949
Explanation: The Constitution was adopted on 26th November 1949 and came into effect on 26th January 1950.
2. The term ‘Secular’ was added to the Preamble by which amendment?
(a) 1st Amendment
(b) 24th Amendment
(c) 42nd Amendment
(d) 44th Amendment
✅ Answer: (c) 42nd Amendment
Explanation: The 42nd Amendment Act, 1976 added the words ‘Socialist, Secular, and Integrity’ to the Preamble.
3. How many Fundamental Rights are mentioned in the Indian Constitution?
(a) 5
(b) 6
(c) 7
(d) 8
✅ Answer: (b) 6
Explanation: Originally, there were 7 Fundamental Rights. The Right to Property (Article 31) was removed by the 44th Amendment Act, 1978.
4. Which part of the Constitution deals with Fundamental Duties?
(a) Part III
(b) Part IV
(c) Part IV-A
(d) Part V
✅ Answer: (c) Part IV-A
Explanation: The Fundamental Duties were added by the 42nd Amendment Act, 1976 under Article 51A.
5. The President of India is elected by:
(a) The people of India
(b) Members of Parliament
(c) Elected members of Parliament and State Legislatures
(d) Only Rajya Sabha members
✅ Answer: (c) Elected members of Parliament and State Legislatures
Explanation: The President is elected by an Electoral College consisting of elected members of both Houses of Parliament and State Legislative Assemblies.
6. Which article of the Indian Constitution abolishes untouchability?
(a) Article 15
(b) Article 16
(c) Article 17
(d) Article 18
✅ Answer: (c) Article 17
Explanation: Article 17 prohibits untouchability in any form and makes its practice punishable by law.
7. Who was the chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Indian Constitution?
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(b) B. N. Rau
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
✅ Answer: (d) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
Explanation: Dr. B. R. Ambedkar is known as the “Father of the Indian Constitution”.
8. The Indian Parliament consists of how many houses?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
✅ Answer: (b) Two
Explanation: The Indian Parliament consists of two houses – Lok Sabha (House of the People) and Rajya Sabha (Council of States).
9. Who appoints the Chief Justice of India?
(a) Prime Minister
(b) Lok Sabha Speaker
(c) President of India
(d) Law Minister
✅ Answer: (c) President of India
Explanation: The President of India appoints the Chief Justice based on the collegium system.
10. The maximum strength of Lok Sabha is:
(a) 500
(b) 520
(c) 545
(d) 552
✅ Answer: (d) 552
Explanation: The maximum strength of Lok Sabha is 552 members, including 530 from states, 20 from UTs, and 2 nominated members (Anglo-Indians, if required).
11. The term of Rajya Sabha members is:
(a) 4 years
(b) 5 years
(c) 6 years
(d) 10 years
✅ Answer: (c) 6 years
Explanation: Rajya Sabha is a permanent house with one-third members retiring every two years.
12. How many Schedules are in the Indian Constitution?
(a) 10
(b) 11
(c) 12
(d) 13
✅ Answer: (c) 12
Explanation: The Indian Constitution originally had 8 Schedules, later increased to 12 by amendments.
13. Which Article of the Constitution provides special status to Jammu & Kashmir (now repealed)?
(a) Article 356
(b) Article 360
(c) Article 370
(d) Article 395
✅ Answer: (c) Article 370
Explanation: Article 370 granted special status to Jammu & Kashmir, but it was abrogated in 2019.
14. The concept of Fundamental Rights was borrowed from which country?
(a) USA
(b) UK
(c) Canada
(d) Australia
✅ Answer: (a) USA
Explanation: Fundamental Rights are inspired by the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution.
15. The first general elections in India were held in:
(a) 1949
(b) 1950
(c) 1951-52
(d) 1955
✅ Answer: (c) 1951-52
Explanation: The first general elections were held between October 1951 and March 1952.
16. Which article provides for the impeachment of the President?
(a) Article 52
(b) Article 61
(c) Article 72
(d) Article 80
✅ Answer: (b) Article 61
Explanation: Article 61 provides the procedure for impeachment of the President.
17. The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act deals with:
(a) Education
(b) Panchayati Raj
(c) Judiciary
(d) Fundamental Rights
✅ Answer: (b) Panchayati Raj
Explanation: The 73rd Amendment (1992) introduced the Panchayati Raj System.
18. The Supreme Court of India was established in:
(a) 1947
(b) 1950
(c) 1952
(d) 1955
✅ Answer: (b) 1950
Explanation: The Supreme Court was established on 28th January 1950.
19. Who is the head of the Union Executive?
(a) Prime Minister
(b) Chief Justice of India
(c) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(d) President of India
✅ Answer: (d) President of India
Explanation: The President is the constitutional head of the Union Executive (Article 53).
20. How many types of emergencies are mentioned in the Indian Constitution?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
✅ Answer: (c) Three
Explanation: The Constitution provides for three types of emergencies:
- National Emergency (Article 352)
- State Emergency (President’s Rule) (Article 356)
- Financial Emergency (Article 360)
21. Which of the following is NOT a Directive Principle of State Policy (DPSP)?
(a) Equal pay for equal work
(b) Right to constitutional remedies
(c) Promotion of cooperative societies
(d) Protection of environment
✅ Answer: (b) Right to constitutional remedies
Explanation: Right to constitutional remedies (Article 32) is a Fundamental Right, not a Directive Principle.
22. Which amendment is known as the “Mini Constitution”?
(a) 44th Amendment
(b) 73rd Amendment
(c) 97th Amendment
(d) 42nd Amendment
✅ Answer: (d) 42nd Amendment
Explanation: The 42nd Amendment Act (1976) made major changes to the Constitution, including adding the words “Socialist”, “Secular”, and “Integrity” to the Preamble.
23. Which article deals with the abolition of titles?
(a) Article 14
(b) Article 17
(c) Article 18
(d) Article 19
✅ Answer: (c) Article 18
Explanation: Article 18 prohibits the state from conferring titles except for military and academic distinctions.
24. The Finance Commission is constituted under which Article?
(a) Article 324
(b) Article 280
(c) Article 356
(d) Article 368
✅ Answer: (b) Article 280
Explanation: Article 280 provides for a Finance Commission every five years to allocate financial resources between the Union and States.
25. Which part of the Constitution contains the emergency provisions?
(a) Part XVI
(b) Part XVIII
(c) Part XX
(d) Part XXII
✅ Answer: (b) Part XVIII
Explanation: Part XVIII (Articles 352-360) contains provisions related to Emergency Situations.
26. What is the tenure of the Governor of a State?
(a) 4 years
(b) 5 years
(c) 6 years
(d) No fixed tenure
✅ Answer: (b) 5 years
Explanation: The Governor is appointed for a term of 5 years but holds office during the pleasure of the President (Article 156).
27. The Ninth Schedule of the Constitution contains laws related to:
(a) Fundamental Rights
(b) Directive Principles
(c) Land Reforms and Property Rights
(d) Centre-State Relations
✅ Answer: (c) Land Reforms and Property Rights
Explanation: The Ninth Schedule (introduced by the First Amendment, 1951) contains laws related to land reforms and protection from judicial review.
28. What is the minimum age required to become a member of Rajya Sabha?
(a) 21 years
(b) 25 years
(c) 30 years
(d) 35 years
✅ Answer: (c) 30 years
Explanation: Article 84 states that a person must be at least 30 years old to be a Rajya Sabha member.
29. Who administers the oath of office to the President of India?
(a) Prime Minister
(b) Vice President
(c) Chief Justice of India
(d) Speaker of Lok Sabha
✅ Answer: (c) Chief Justice of India
Explanation: Article 60 states that the Chief Justice of India administers the oath of office to the President.
30. Which body is known as the “Guardian of the Constitution”?
(a) Parliament
(b) President
(c) Supreme Court
(d) Election Commission
✅ Answer: (c) Supreme Court
Explanation: The Supreme Court ensures the Constitution is upheld and acts as the guardian and interpreter of the Constitution.